Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Language Matters: Dr Lisa Lim Discusses Why Global Language Rights Matter

17 December 2016 (Saturday) – online

Dr Lisa Lim, Associate Professor in the School of English, discusses the importance of language rights in a world where transnational migration is ever more prevalent in her fortnightly Post Magazine column: Language Matters.

 “The provision of opportunities to acquire a host country’s language or languages enhances access and prospects for migrants. However, a comprehensive strategy for culturally and linguistically diverse societies should be based on the recognition of these (usually minority, often disempowered) language communities, and provision of services in their community languages. This represents action towards uphold­ing human rights, and to achieving social inclusion of all groups in societies, and ultimately to fulfilling our global goals for sustainable development.”

Please click on the following link for the complete article:

Source: SCMP

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