Friday 1 July 2016

Language Matters: Dr Lisa Lim’s New Fortnightly Column in the Post Magazine

1 July 2016 (Friday) – online         3 July 2016 (Sunday) - hardcopy

Dr Lisa Lim, Associate Professor the School of English, is contributing a new, fortnightly column in the Post Magazine. In each column, she takes on a word or phrase used in Hong Kong or the region and explores its origins, and its significance in issues of society, policy, identity and power.

 “As a Singaporean sociolinguist based in Hong Kong, working in multilingualism, language contact, minority languages and forms of world English, I have found Hong Kong’s linguistic minorities striking, comprising a precious and often overlooked part of the social fabric. I have also relished ever-evolving Hong Kong English.”

Hakka people attend a ceremony at a temple in Lai Chi Wo, in the New Territories, in May 1972 (Source: SCMP)

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